Community Initiative for Sustainable Environment and Gender Development

CISEGD Cameroon believes that education and poverty are closely linked. Educating people is an effective way to empower them with the skills and knowledge to take charge of their own lives and meet their own needs. We know that literate adults are more likely to create a sustainable living in poor communities, make more informed decisions about their health and more actively support their children to attend school.

CISEGD Cameroon therefore strives to promote education at school and adult literacy in communities that we serve. CISEGD Cameroon supports education because we are committed to building sustainable futures for under-resourced communities. By developing knowledge and providing information, we are investing in people’s material and spiritual well-being.

Strategies and Action:

¶  Raise awareness on the on the importance of education.

¶  Encourage and promote education of both sex especially the girl child.

¶  Promote adult literacy for women and girls in communities.

¶  Ensure a healthy, safe and convenient environment for proper studies.

¶  Provide text books, scholarship for pupils and students to enable them excel and stay in school.