Our goal is to fashion agriculture as sustainable as the native ecosystems is displaced, to find a way of growing crops that rewards the farmer and the landscape more than the manufacturers of external inputs. We envision an agriculture that not only protects irreplaceable soil, but lessens our dependence on damaging synthetic chemicals.
We work with communities and farming population to encourage practices that sustains and enrich the soil, human health and the environment through organic farming. We are working with Farmers and consumers to reduce the dependency on chemically produced and consumed food by promoting sustainable agriculture in order to meet the need of small scale farmers and help people understand their relationship to the environment and the food we eat. Unfortunately the pesticides that were meant to bring good, increase food, prevent or destroy pests, have in the contrary turned against the health of human beings, animals and the environment.
Chronic poisonings leading to all kinds of health hazards and death are being experienced by farmers and people in their today’s life In our effort to promote Sustainable agriculture, We work with communities and farmers to encourage sustainable farming practices such as production of organic fertilizer production like bokashi compost as seen on the picture on the left and managing pest using indigenous materials and appropriate technology with integrated farming to protect the ecosystem of the agricultural and forest landscapes for future generations.
We empower communities farming groups and farmers to adopt agricultural practices that are economically viable, meet human needs for food, environmentally friendly, and improve quality of life. It is within this framework that we have been able to establish demonstration farmers for organic upland rice growing, vegetables, maize production and mushroom cultivation to practically educate farmers through learning by doing approach Environmental friendly agricultural practices are already on the ground but desperately lack funding and policy support.
Strategies and Action:
¶ Promote natural farming and the use of available local recourse to produce healthy and safe food.
¶ Reduce the dependency of chemicals and pesticides as well as chemically produced and consumed food.
¶ Promote agro forestry and other sustainable farming practices that protect and nourish the soil as well as the environment.
¶ Advocate and promote organic farming as well as create local market for organic food products.